

Jun 14, 2023

Students Assaulted by 12

Urkidding says

May 27, 2023 at 6:32 am

Hi Bob,

Who “stole it”? LOL. Apparently you didn’t read beyond the article you provided… something you’ve done before. I keep telling you that your sources are failing you. I’m not sure how much embarrassment you need to endure here to fix that.

Hailee ‘stole’ it. The fact he told her to go get it after she informed him demonstrates a few things. First, he understood he was responsible for it. Second, he knew it was disposed of improperly. Third, he clearly understood his legal obligations. Fourth, by telling her to retrieve it he is demonstrating control.

Reading your post you make it sound like some burglar broke into his house. Paint the facts in all the misleading detail you want, but you cannot change the facts to suit your political loyalties.

And furthermore, and this is the one I keep repeating… Bob, seriously take an HQL course before additional posting on this topic.

You said: “Would it then follow that if someone stole a gun ‘you’ owned and committed a crime with it ‘you’ should be held ‘ultimately responsible’.”

Depending on the state: YES! A failure to report could permit the owner to be arrested for the crimes committed with the stolen firearm. And that would be true whether it was a burglar or your brother’s widow you are sleeping with. Delaware has a law to report missing/stolen firearms. I am not sure of their liability laws for crimes committed with the firearm. Yet, he did not report it!

I swear, Bob, just stop!!! I’m trying to spare you these ‘confessional’ posts you write that expose you speak out of ignorance. Yet, you keep coming back for more. You keep piling it up. You are addicted to being shown how wrong you are, repeatedly. Are you a glutton for punishment?

Bob you wrote: “Urkidding (Mr. Fast & Loose with the Facts)”

You are now welcome to apologize/retract [for] this statement and title. I have categorically explained exactly how I am factually correct on this topic. I have – on multiple times – demonstrated with FACTS how WRONG YOU ARE and HAVE BEEN on every sentence you typed.

Here is the irony Bob… it is in fact YOU that is playing ‘fast and loose with the facts’ on this topic. Gaslighting seems to be a favorite of yours, is it?

And by the way… even with an apology/retraction everything you say about gun control is still a joke and not to be taken seriously. My reason, if you even cared about gun laws you’d know them. You hold a position on a topic for which you have not educated yourself. I can respect your right to hold an opinion. I do not have to respect an opinion based in lies, willful ignorance, and the such.

Furthermore, you whine and sniffle how much more gun control we need and the fact there are too many guns and there needs to be less, etc. Yet, here is a case of an irresponsible man-child failing to report a firearm missing, knowing it was illegally disposed of, and exposing innocent people to unnecessary gun violence by being irresponsible and criminally negligent with his firearms. He does not call the police, he doesn’t even get off his lazy a$$ to get it back himself, he gets agitated with the police when he is questioned about it… and anyone else under those circumstances would be looking out from a jail cell.

But not when you’re a Biden in Delaware… not when that privilege and all the insulation it provides for being a criminal is a solid policy not to be held to the standard the rest of do.

You’d think a seeker of truth, justice, and the ideals of this government would be out front clamoring for equal justice and protection under the law. Instead, Bob, you shrug it off… not because the facts suggest it should shrugged off, but merely his dad. Your political hero.

You Bob… you place your politics above the law. You are the embodiment of everything wrong with this country. You embrace the division. All your platitudes you post here fall empty and hollow on the trash heap of hypocrisy.

You keep going back to Trump… I keep telling you I don’t care. You have tried to tie me with the J6 gang… have you noticed I’ve posted nothing about that? I have commented, yes, but only to the extent that when we get to see more exculpatory evidence it is rather telling folks are let out of prison… I do find that odd. But, you don’t see me bringing it up.

But you, Bob, you are full of partisan outrage… you post anti-Constitutional articles that desire to rip apart the republic. You post articles that are seeking to dismantle the balance of power that has held the government together for 200+ years. You post articles and cheer the drive to strip away individual freedoms.

By the way, strike three. You’re out.

Tell you what… try something new. This whole firearm argument – for you anyway – is done.